Co-Reader(PDF Version)

The prototype of Co-Reader (PDF version) is Here (


=== Instructions ===
1. Unzip the Formula.rar to ROOT directory of D drive(make sure the structure is "D:\Formula\Apabi Reader 4.0")
2. Move the target pdf document to D:\Formula\pdf\
3. Run "D:\Formula\Apabi Reader 4.0\Apabi Reader 4.0\ApaReader.exe
4. Choose "File\Open" to open the target document
5. Choose "Tools\Basic Tools\Select Tool"
6. Right-click in the document and Choose "Formula Search"
7. Left-click and drag a rectangle to select the target formula
8. Waiting for the retrieval results from WikiMirs!

=== 使用说明 ===
1. 解压 Formula.rar to D盘,使得目录结构是( "D:\Formula\Apabi Reader 4.0")
2. 将阅读的PDF文件移动到 D:\Formula\pdf\
3. 执行 "D:\Formula\Apabi Reader 4.0\Apabi Reader 4.0\ApaReader.exe
4. 选择 菜单"文件\打开",打开一个D:\Formula\pdf目录下的一个PDF文件t
5. 选择菜单 "工具\基本工具\选择工具(S)"
6. 在页面上点击“右键”,选择菜单项 "Formula Search"
7. 按住“左键”,拖动鼠标矩形方式选择目标的公式区域
8. 系统会在40秒左右打开默认的浏览器程序,显示从公式搜索系统WikiMirs返回的结果!
