Towards General and Intelligent Autonomous Agent and System

报告题目:Towards General and Intelligent Autonomous Agent and System




线上会议:腾讯会议:319-946-100 会议密码:7762


报告摘要:End-to-end autonomous driving (E2E AD) has become a popular hit recently. Compared to conventional modular based design, the main advantages of E2E AD descend from the global optimization across sub-modules in the system, and the unanimous objective towards planning and control task. Some leading corporations from industry have also adopted such an end-to-end philosophy and rolled out to customers on the product end. In this talk, we will first walkthrough the key milestones and roadmap of E2E AD, including the first prototypical work UniAD, proposed by OpenDriveLab and recognized as IEEE CVPR 2023 Best Paper. Then the pivotal challenges (generalization, world model, etc.) that the community currently are confronted with are discussed.  With the prevalence of foundation models, how to utilize LLM/VLM techniques and distill common knowledge from experienced human experts are covered as well.The talk would be concluded with some future perspectives on building towards a general and intelligent system in a wide span of downstream applications for the next couple years.

讲者:李弘扬博士是上海人工智能实验室青年科学家,OpenDriveLab团队负责人,研究方向聚焦于自动驾驶和具身智能。他于2019年在香港中文大学获得博士学位,并在工业界从事多年辅助驾驶研究工作。在2021年,他在上海人工智能实验室组建OpenDriveLab团队。他提出的鸟瞰图感知工作BEVFormer,在2022年获得了百强影响力人工智能论文荣誉,并在CES 2024大会上获得了Nvidia CEO黄仁勋和Mobile Eye CEO Shashua教授的认可。他主导的端到端自动驾驶项目UniAD获得IEEE CVPR 2023最佳论文奖。UniAD在工业界和学术界都产生了巨大的影响,包括特斯拉近期推出的 FSD V12。他还是NeurIPS 2023的Notable Area Chair,IEEE的高级成员。更多详情,请访问。


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