VIP组讨论班:Towards Certification of 3D Video Quality Assessment
时 间:2012年6月5日(周二)上午 9:30
地 点:北京大学计算机科学技术研究所 309 会议室 (中关村北大街128号计算机所大楼)
报 告 人:周同
报告题目:Towards Certification of 3D Video Quality Assessment
Subjective quality assessment is widely used to understand and to study human perception of multimedia quality and as a basis for developing objective metrics to automatically predict the quality of audiovisual presentations. There are several recognized international protocols and procedures for reliable assessment of quality in multimedia systems and services, with emphasis on speech, audio and video modalities. However, the aspect of certification is not yet well understood in this context. This paper discusses various issues regarding certification of multimedia quality assessment. To be concrete, the discussion is illustrated by the procedure implemented to assess 3D video compression technologies within the MPEG effort for the definition of a 3D video coding standard. Selected results from four laboratories, Acreo, EPFL, NTNU and UBC, which participated in the assessment, are presented. This case study is used in an early attempt to define a process for certification of subjective test campaigns, based on a cross-validation of the test results across different laboratories, towards the ultimate goal of Quality of Experience (QoE) certification.
注:文章选自 6th International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics - VPQM 2012
报 告 人:周超
报告题目:Intra-cloud Lightning: Building CDNs in the Cloud
Content distribution networks (CDNs) using storage clouds have recently started to emerge. Compared to traditional CDNs, storage cloud-based CDNs have the advantage of cost effectively offering hosting services to Web content providers without owning infrastructure. However, existing work on replica placement in CDNs does not readily apply in the cloud. In this talk, the joint problem of building distribution paths and placing Web server replicas in cloud CDNs to minimize the cost incurred on the CDN providers while satisfying QoS requirements for user requests is investigated. The cost optimization problem is formulated with accurate cost models and QoS requirements. Simulation results show that the monthly cost can be as low as 2.62 US Dollars for a small Web site. The authors develop a suite of offline, online-static and online-dynamic heuristic algorithms that take as input network topology and work load information such as user location and request rates. At last, the heuristics via Web trace-based simulation are evaluated, and the results show that the proposed heuristics behave very close to optimal under various network conditions.
注:文章选自 The 31st Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2012)
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