Evaluating the Security of Anonymized Big Graph/Structural Data
题目:Evaluating the Security of Anonymized Big Graph/Structural Data
摘要:Nowadays, many computer systems generate structured data (also called graph data). Graph data spans many different domains, ranging from online social network data from networks like Facebook to epidemiological data used to study the spread of infectious diseases. Graph data is shared regularly for many purposes including academic research and for business collaborations. Since graph data may be sensitive, data owners often use various anonymization techniques that often compromise the resulting utility of the anonymized data. To make matters worse, there are several state of the art structured data de-anonymization attacks that have proven successful in recent years. To date, graph data owners cannot gauge the practical or theoretical vulnerability of their data, nor can they comprehensively gauge its utility after anonymization.
In this talk, we first summarize and discuss state-of-the-art graph anonymization techniques and de-anonymization attacks, and introduce the de-anonymization attacks presented by us. Subsequently, we study the theoretical foundation for the success of existing de-anonymization attacks along with large-scale evaluations on real-world graph data. Third, we propose, design, and implement SecGraph, a uniform and open-source Secure Graph data sharing/publishing system. Finally, we will discuss some future research directions.
纪博士目前在佐治亚理工学院电子与计算机工程系攻读第二个博士学位,并将于今年秋季完成学业并留校担任研究助理教授 (Research Faculty)。此前,他于2013年获得佐治亚州立大学计算机科学博士学位。其当前主要研究方向为大数据安全与隐私、Differential Privacy、密码安全、及机器学习安全与隐私。除此之外,纪守领的研究方向还包括无线网络、社交网络与计算、及图论与算法。纪守领在安全与隐私领域、计算机网络领域的国际顶级期刊和会议上发表论文20余篇。他于2015年夏在IBM研究院美国总部从事网络安全及医疗数据安全研究。纪守领是ACM、IEEE、USENIX、及IEEE ComSoc学生会员,并曾担任IEEE佐治亚州立大学2012-2013年度学生会员主席。同时,他曾获得三次会议最佳论文奖,佐治亚州立大学2012年度杰出研究奖,及2012年度中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(该奖为中国政府颁发的留学生最高奖。获奖率:~4/250,000)。
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