RGB-D Image Segmentation and Understanding
【题目】RGB-D Image Segmentation and Understanding
【主讲人】 Professor Jianfei Cai
Nanyang Technological University
【时 间】 2015年12月02日(周三)下午15:30
【地 点】 北京大学 计算机所大楼 106报告厅
Abstract:Commodity RGB-D sensors such as Microsoft Kinect have received significant attention in the recent years due to their low cost and the ability to capture synchronized color images and depth maps in real time. Although the available depth information has been proven to be extremely useful for many visual computing problems, there are still challenges remaining on finding the best way to harness the low-resolution, noisy and unstable depth data and to complement the existing methods using RGB data alone. In this talk, I will show you a series of works from my group on depth recovery, using shadow for RGB-D image segmentation, and using unsupervised feature learning for scene labeling.
Bio:Dr. Jianfei Cai received his PhD degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is currently an Associate Professor and has served as the Head of Visual & Interactive Computing Division and the Head of Computer Communication Division at the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His major research interests include visual computing, computer vision, machine learning and multimedia networking.
He has published more than 150 technical papers in international conferences and journals. He is a co-recipient of paper awards in ACCV, IEEE ICIP and MMSP. He has been actively participating in program committees of various conferences. He has served as the leading Technical Program Chair for IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) 2012 and the leading General Chair for Pacific-rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM) 2012. He is currently an Associate Editor for IEEE Trans on Image Processing (T-IP) and has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT). He is also a senior member of IEEE.
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