

序号 作者 论文题目 期刊名称 出版月份、年份,卷号(期号):起止页码
1 Guo Pu, Yifang Men, Yiming Mao, Yuning Jiang, Wei-Ying Ma, Zhouhui Lian* Controllable Image Synthesis with Attribute-Decomposed GAN IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI) Feb.2023, 45(2):1514-1532
2 Pengshuai Wang OctFormer: Octree-based Transformers for 3D Point Clouds ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Aug.2023, 42(4):155:1-155:11
3 Xiao Sun, Yang Huang, Zhouhui Lian* Learning isometry-invariant representations for point cloud analysis Pattern Recognition Feb 2023, 134 (109087), 2023
4 Yitian Liu, Zhouhui Lian* FontTransformer: Few-shot High-resolution Chinese Glyph Image Synthesis via Stacked Transformers Pattern Recognition Sep 2023, 141: 109593
5 Jiahuan Zhou, Bing Su, and Ying Wu Discriminative Self-Paced Group-Metric Adaptation for Online Visual Identification IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) Apr.2023, 45(4):4368-4383
6 Zhenyu Cui, Jiahuan Zhou, Yuxin Peng*, Shiliang Zhang and Yaowei Wang DCR-ReID: Deep Component Reconstruction for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) Aug. 2023, 33(8):4415-4428
7 Zijun Deng, Xiangteng He and Yuxin Peng* LFR-GAN: Local Feature Refinement based Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Generation ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) Jul. 2023, 19(6):1-18
8 Duoduo Feng, Xiangteng He and Yuxin Peng* MKVSE: Multimodal Knowledge Enhanced Visual-Semantic Embedding for Image-Text Retrieval ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) Mar. 2023, 19(5): 1–21
9 Wenjing Wang, Xinhao Wang, Wenhan Yang, and Jiaying Liu* Unsupervised Face Detection in the Dark IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) Jan.2023, 45(1):1250-1266
10 Yuzhang Hu, Wenhan Yang, Jiaying Liu*, and Zongming Guo Deep Inter Prediction with Error-Corrected Auto-Regressive Network for Video Coding ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) Feb.2023, 19(1):No.33,1-22
11 Wenjing Wang, Lilang Lin, Zejia Fan, and Jiaying Liu Semi-Supervised Learning for Mars Imagery Classification and Segmentation ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (TOMM) Mar. 2023, 19(4):1-13
12 Lilang Lin and Jiaying Liu* EMS^2L: Enhanced Multi-Task Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Skeleton Representation Learning Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Transactions on Signal and Information Processing (APSIPA) May.2023,12(4):1-30
13 Xiang Gao, Wei Hu#, Guo-Jun Qi Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning via Topology Transformations IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) Apr.2023, 35(4):4202-4215
14 Haolan Chen*, Bi'an Du*, Shitong Luo, Wei Hu# Deep Point Set Resampling via Gradient Fields IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) Mar.2023, 45(3):2913-2930
15 Daizong Liu, Wei Hu# Imperceptible Transfer Attack and Defense on 3D Point Cloud Classification IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) Apr.2023, 45(4):4727-4746
16 Sheng Cheng, Han Hu, Xinggong Zhang ABRF: Adaptive BitRate-FEC Joint Control for Real-Time Video Streaming IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Sep. 2023, 33(9):5212-5226
17 Wenfa Qi, Tong Zhang, Xiaolong Li, Bin Ma, Zongming Guo Reversible data hiding based on prediction-error value ordering and multiple-embedding Signal Processing Jun. 2023, 207: 108956: 1-108956:9
18 Jiazhan Feng, Chongyang Tao, Xueliang Zhao, and Dongyan Zhao Learning Multi-turn Response Selection in Grounded Dialogues with Reinforced Knowledge and Context Distillation ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) Apr. 2023, 41(4):115:1–115:27
19 Xinyu Hu and Xiaojun Wan RST Discourse Parsing as Text-to-Text Generation IEEE-ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing Aug.2023, 31, 3278 - 3289
20 Ke Wang and Xiaojun Wan Counterfactual Representation Augmentation for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing(TAC) Jul.2023, 14(3): 1979-1990
21 Guoqiang Gong, Linchao Zhu, Yadong Mu Language-Guided Multi-Granularity Context Aggregation for Temporal Sentence Grounding IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2022 Nov.2023, 25:7402-7414
22 Xiangyang Gou, Lei Zou, Chenxingyu Zhao, Tong Yang Graph Stream Sketch: Summarizing Graph Streams With High Speed and Accuracy IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) Jun.2023, 35(6): 5901-5914
23 Li Zeng, Lei Zou, M. Tamer Özsu SGSI - A Scalable GPU-Friendly Subgraph Isomorphism Algorithm IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) Nov.2023, 35(11): 11899-11916
24 Lei Zou, Fan Zhang, Yinnian Lin, Yanpeng Yu An Efficient Data Structure for Dynamic Graph on GPUs IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) Nov.2023, 35(11): 11051-11066
25 Fan Zhang, Xiangyang Gou, Lei Zou Top-k heavy weight triangles listing on graph stream World Wide Web(WWW) Jul. 2023, 26(4): 1827-1851
26 Xiangyang Gou, Lei Zou, Sliding Window-based Approximate Triangle Counting with Bounded Memory Usage The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases(VLDBJ) Sep. 2023, 32(5):1087-1110
27 Zhijie Huang, Jun Sun, Xiaopeng Guo FastCNN: Towards Fast and Accurate Spatiotemporal Network for HEVC Compressed Video Enhancement ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) May.2023,19(3):111:1-111:12
序号 作者 论文题目 会议名称(全称) 时间/地点
1 Jiashuo Liang,Ming Yuan,Zhanzhao Ding,Siqi Ma,Xinhui Han,Chao Zhang RaceBench: A Triggerable and Observable Concurrency Bug Benchmark 18th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security Jul. 10-14, 2023. Melbourne, Australia
2 Ruiguo Yang,Xinhui Han, Wenfa Qi, Wei Hu Poster: Robust Watermark Imaging via Graph signal Optimization 2023 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2023. Taipei, Taiwan
3 ZhanPeng Liu and Xinhui Han Identifying Library Functions in Stripped Binary: Combining Function Similarity and Call Graph Features 19th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks Oct. 19-21, 2023. Online
4 Cheng Li,Xinhui Han,Wenfa Qi,Zongming Guo An Improved Reversible Database Watermarking Method based on Histogram Shifting 2023 ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security Jun. 28–30, 2023. Chicago, IL, USA
5 Yuqing Wang, Yizhi Wang, Longhui Yu, Yuesheng Zhu, Zhouhui Lian* DeepVecFont-v2: Exploiting Transformers to Synthesize Vector Fonts with Higher Quality 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun.18-22, 2023. Vancouver, Canada
6 Zeqing Xia, Bojun Xiong, Zhouhui Lian* VecFontSDF: Learning to Reconstruct and Synthesize High-quality Vector Fonts via Signed Distance Functions 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun.18-22, 2023. Vancouver, Canada
7 Zeqing Xia, Zhouhui Lian* CurveSDF: Binary Image Vectorization Using Signed Distance Fields ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval Jun. 12-15, 2023. Thessaloniki Greece
8 Guo Pu, P.-S. Wang, Zhouhui Lian* SinMPI: Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image with Expanded Multiplane Images 16thACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia Dec.12-15, 2023. Sydney, Australia
9 Shiyao Xu, Lingzhi Li, Li Shen, Zhouhui Lian DeSRF: Deformable Stylized Radiance Field 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) Jun.18-22, 2023. Vancouver, Canada
10 Zijun Deng, Xiangteng He and Yuxin Peng* Efficiency-optimized Video Diffusion Models 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Oct.29 - Nov.3, 2023. Ottawa, Canada
11 Hongbo Sun, Xiangteng He, Jiahuan Zhou and Yuxin Peng* Fine-Grained Visual Prompt Learning of Vision-Language Models for Image Recognition 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Oct.29 - Nov.3, 2023. Ottawa, Canada
12 Zijun Deng, Xiangteng He, Yuxin Peng*, Xiongwei Zhu and Lele Cheng MV-Diffusion: Motion-aware Video Diffusion Model 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Oct.29 - Nov.3, 2023. Ottawa, Canada
13 Yanzhe Chen, Huasong Zhong, Xiangteng He, Yuxin Peng* and Lele Cheng Real20M: A Large-scale E-commerce Dataset for Cross-domain Retrieval 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Oct.29 - Nov.3, 2023. Ottawa, Canada
14 Zijun Deng, Xiangteng He and Yuxin Peng* Lightweight Video Diffusion Model China Multimedia Aug. 2-4, 2023. Kunming, Yunnan, China,
15 HsiaoYuan Hsu, Xiangteng He, Yuxin Peng*, Hao Kong and Qing Zhang PosterLayout: A New Benchmark and Approach for Content-Aware Visual-Textual Presentation Layout 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun.18-22, 2023. Vancouver, Canada
16 HsiaoYuan Hsu, Xiangteng He and Yuxin Peng* DensityLayout: Density-conditioned Layout GAN for Visual-textual Presentation Designs 12th International Conference on Image and Graphics Sep.22 - 24, 2023. Nanjing, China
17 Minghang Zheng, Sizhe Li, Qingchao Chen, Yuxin Peng, Yang Liu* Phrase level Temporal Relationship Mining for Temporal Sentence Localization 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Feb. 7-14, 2023. Washington, D.C., USA
18 Minghang Zheng, Shaogang Gong, Hailin Jin, Yuxin Peng, Yang Liu* Generating Structured Pseudo Labels for Noise-resistant Zero-shot Video Sentence Localization Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
19 Yang Liu, Jiahua Zhang, Qingchao Chen, Yuxin Peng Confidence-aware Pseudo-label Learning for Weakly Supervised Visual Grounding 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Oct. 2-6, 2023. Paris, France
20 Ting Lei, Fabian Caba, Qingchao Chen, Hailin Ji, Yuxin Peng, Yang Liu. Efficient Adaptive Human-Object Interaction Detection with Concept-guided Memory 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Oct. 2-6, 2023. Paris, France
21 Zijing Zhao, Sitong Wei, Qingchao Chen, Dehui Li, Yifan Yang, Yuxin Peng, Yang Liu Masked Retraining Teacher-Student Framework for Domain Adaptive Object Detection 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Oct. 2-6, 2023. Paris, France
22 Dejie Yang,Minghang Zheng ,Weishuai Wang ,Sizhe Li ,Yang Liu Recent Advances in Class-Incremental Learning 12th International Conference on Image and Graphics Sep 22-24, 2023. Nanjing, China
23 Kunlun Xu, Yuxin Peng, and Jiahuan Zhou Uncover the Body: Occluded Person Re-identification via Masked Image Modeling 12th International Conference on Image and Graphics Sep 22-24, 2023. Nanjing, China
24 Jiahang Zhang, Lilang Lin, and Jiaying Liu* Hierarchical Consistent Contrastive Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Growing Augmentations 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Feb. 7-14, 2023. Washington, D.C., USA
25 Jiahang Zhang, Lilang Lin, and Jiaying Liu* Prompted Contrast with Masked Motion Modeling: Towards Versatile 3D Action Representation Learning 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Oct.29 - Nov.3, 2023. Ottawa, Canada
26 Lilang Lin, Jiahang Zhang, and Jiaying Liu* Actionlet-Dependent Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun.18-22, 2023. Vancouver, Canada
27 Rundong Luo, Wenjing Wang, Wenhan Yang, Jiaying Liu Similarity Min-Max: Zero-Shot Day-Night Domain Adaptation 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Oct. 2-6, 2023 Paris, France
28 Shujia Li, Dezhao Wang, Zejia Fan, and Jiaying Liu Content-Adaptive Parallel Entropy Coding for End-to-End Image Compression IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Oct 9-12, 2023. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
29 Haowei Kuang, Haofeng Huang, Wenhan Yang, and Jiaying Liu Flash Compensated Low-Light Enhancement via Hierarchical Network Prediction IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Oct 9-12, 2023. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
30 Minghao Liu, Wenhan Yang, Yuzhang Hu, and Jiaying Liu Dual Prompt Learning for Continual Rain Removal from Single Images Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Aug. 19-25, 2023. Macao, SAR
31 Luyao Zhang, Wenjing Wang, and Jiaying Liu Temporal Consistent Oil Painting Video Stylization IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems May. 21-25, 2023. Monterey, California
32 Lilang Lin, Jiahang Zhang, and Jiaying Liu Bayesian Contrastive Learning with Manifold Regularization for Self-Supervised Skeleton Based Action Recognition IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems May. 21-25, 2023. Monterey, California
33 Yuzhang Hu, Wenhan Yang, Minghao Liu, Jiaying Liu, and Zongming Guo Collaborative Spatial-Temporal Distillation for Efficient Video Deraining 2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Jul.10-14, 2023. Brisbane, Australia
34 Li Jiang, Yihang Zhang, Jinyu Yin, Bin Liu and Xinggong Zhang LEOTP: An Information-centric Transport Layer Protocol for LEO Satellite Networks 2023 IEEE 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Jul. 18-21, 2023. Hong Kong
35 ShengCheng, Han Hu, Xinggong Zhang*, Zongming Guo Rebuffering but not Suffering: Exploring Continuous-Time Quantitative QoE by User's Exiting Behaviors IEEE Conference on Computer Communications May. 17-19, 2023. New York City, NY, USA
36 Haodan Zhang, Yixuan Ban, Zongming Guo*, Zhimin Xu, Qian Ma, Yue Wang, Xinggong Zhang QUTY: Towards Better Understanding and Optimization of Short Video Quality 14th Conference on ACM Multimedia Systems Jun. 7-10, 2023. Vancouver BC Canada
37 Jiangkai Wu, Yu Guan, Qi Mao, Yong Cui, Zongming Guo, Xinggong Zhang ZGaming: Zero-Latency D Cloud Gaming by Image Prediction ACM SIGCOMM 2023 Conference Sep.10-14, 2023. Newyork, USA
38 Wencan Huang, Daizong Liu, and Wei Hu* Dense Object Grounding in 3D Scenes 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Oct.29 - Nov.3, 2023. Ottawa, Canada
39 Qianjiang Hu, Daizong Liu, Wei Hu Density-Insensitive Unsupervised Domain Adaption on 3D Object Detection 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun. 20-22, 2023. Vancouver Canada
40 Pupan Li, Xiang Gao, Qianjiang Hu and Wei Hu Robust Graph-Based Segmentation of Noisy Point Clouds IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Oct 9-12, 2023. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
41 Chuanmin Jia*, Feng Ye, Huifang Sun, Siwei Ma, Wen Gao Learning to Compress Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Captured Video: Benchmark and Analysis IEEE Data Compression Conference Mar. 21-25, 2023. Snowbird, UT, USA
42 Junlong Gao, Chuanmin Jia*, Shanshe Wang, Siwei Ma, Wen Gao Rate-Distortion Optimization for Cross Modal Compression IEEE Data Compression Conference Mar. 21-25, 2023. Snowbird, UT, USA
43 Shuai Peng*, Di Fu, Yijun Liang, Liangcai Gao*, Zhi Tang* GeoDRL: A Self-Learning Framework for Geometry Problem Solving using Reinforcement Learning in Deductive Reasoning Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
44 Xinpeng Zhang, Jiyao Deng and Liangcai Gao A Character-level Document Key Information Extraction Method with Contrastive Learning 17th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition Aug. 21-26, 2023. San José, California, USA
45 Jiyao Deng, Yi Zhang, Xinpeng Zhang, Zhi Tang, and Liangcai Gao An Iterative Graph Learning Convolution Network for Key Information Extraction Based on the Document Inductive Bias International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition Aug. 21-26, 2023. San José, California, USA
46 Ruiqi Jia, Xianbing Feng, Xiaoqing Lyu, Zhi Tang Graph-Graph Context Dependency Attention for Graph Edit Distance 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Jun. 4-10, 2023. Rhodes Island, Greece
47 Yixiao Zhou, Ruiqi Jia, Hongxiang Lin, Hefeng Quan, Yumeng Zhao, Xiaoqing Lyu Improving Graph Matching with Positional Reconstruction Encoder-Decoder Network Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Dec. 10-16, 2023. New Orleans, U.S.A
48 Hongxiang Lin, Ruiqi Jia, Xiaoqing Lyu Gated Attention with Asymmetric Regularization for Transformer-based Continual Graph Learning International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval Jul. 23-27, 2023. Taipei, Taiwan
49 Zhihao Lin, Yongtao Wang, Jinhe Zhang, Xiaojie Chu DynamicDet: A Unified Dynamic Architecture for Object Detection 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun.18-22, 2023. Vancouver, Canada
50 Hao Huang, Ziyan Chen, Huanran Chen, Yongtao Wang, Kevin Zhang T-SEA: Transfer-based Self-Ensemble Attack on Object Detection 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun.18-22, 2023. Vancouver, Canada
51 Xiaoyu Zhou, Zhiwei Lin, Xiaojun Shan, Yongtao Wang, Deqing Sun, Ming-Hsuan Yang SAMPLING: Scene-adaptive Hierarchical Multiplane Images Representation for Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision 2023 Oct. 2-6, 2023. Paris, France
52 Ziwei Liu, Yongtao Wang*, Xiaojie Chu, Nan Dong, Shengxiang Qi, Haibin Ling A Simple and Generic Framework for Feature Distillation via Channel-wise Transformation ICCV 2023 Workshop on Resource Efficient Deep Learning for Computer Vision Oct. 2-6, 2023. Paris, France
53 Zhiwei Lin, Zengyu Yang, Yongtao Wang* Foreground Guidance and Multi-Layer Feature Fusion for Unsupervised Object Discovery with Transformers 2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Jan 5-8, 2023. Waikoloa, Hawaii.
54 Yijia Shao, Yiduo Guo, Dongyan Zhao, Bing Liu Class-Incremental Learning based on Label Generation 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics July 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
55 Zhen Li, Chongyang Tao, Jiazhan Feng, Tao Shen, Dongyan Zhao∗, Xiubo Geng, Daxin Jiang∗ FAA: Fine-grained Attention Alignment for Cascade Document Ranking 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
56 Zhibin Chen, Yansong Feng* and Dongyan Zhao From the One, Judge of the Whole: Typed Entailment Graph Construction with Predicate Generation 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
57 Yiduo Guo, Yaobo Liang, Dongyan Zhao, Bing Liu, Nan Duan Analyzing and Reducing the Performance Gap in Cross-Lingual Transfer with Fine-tuning Slow and Fast 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics July 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
58 YuxuanWang, Zilong Zheng, Xueliang Zhao, Jinpeng Li, Yueqian Wang, Dongyan Zhao* VSTAR: A Video-grounded Dialogue Dataset for Situated Semantic Understanding with Scene and Topic Transitions 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
59 Jiazhan Feng, Qingfeng Sun, Can Xu, Pu Zhao, Yaming Yang, Chongyang Tao, Dongyan Zhao, Qingwei Lin MMDialog: A Large-scale Multi-turn Dialogue Dataset Towards Multi-modal Open-domain Conversation 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
60 Quzhe Huang, Yutong Hu, Shengqi Zhu, Yansong Feng*, Chang Liu and Dongyan Zhao More than Classification: A Unified Framework for Event Temporal Relation Extraction 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
61 Jiduan Liu, Jiahao Liu, Qifan Wang, JingangWang, WeiWu, Yunsen Xian, Dongyan Zhao*, Kai Chen, Rui Yan* RankCSE : Unsupervised Sentence Representation Learning via Learning to Rank 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
62 Yuxuan Wang, JianghuiWang, Dongyan Zhao*, Zilong Zheng* Shu¯o Wén Jiˇe Zì: Rethinking Dictionaries and Glyphs for Chinese Language Pre-training Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
63 Chen Zhang, Jiuheng Lin, Xiao Liu, Yuxuan Lai, Yansong Feng, Dongyan Zhao How Many Answers Should I Give? An Empirical Study of Multi-Answer Reading Comprehension Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
64 Haowei Du, Yansong Feng, Chen Li, Yang Li, Yunshi Lan, Dongyan Zhao* Structure-Discourse Hierarchical Graph for Conditional Question Answering on Long Documents Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 July 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
65 Jianxin Liang, Chang Liu, Chongyang Tao, Jiazhan Feng, Dongyan Zhao* Attend, Select and Eliminate: Accelerating Multi-turn Response Selection with Dual-attention-based Content Elimination Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
66 Hejing Cao, Dongyan Zhao∗ Leveraging Denoised Abstract Meaning Representation for Grammatical Error Correction Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
67 Zhuocheng Gong, Jiahao Liu, QifanWang, Yang Yang, JingangWang, WeiWu, Yunsen Xian, Dongyan Zhao*, Rui Yan* PreQuant: A Task-agnostic Quantization Approach for Pre-trained Language Models Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
68 Xiao Liu, Da Yin, Chen Zhang, Yansong Feng*, Dongyan Zhao The Magic of IF: Investigating Causal Reasoning Abilities in Large Language Models of Code Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
69 Chenshuo Wang, Shaoguang Mao*, Tao Ge, Wenshan Wu, Xun Wang, Yan Xia, Jonathan Tien, Dongyan Zhao Smart Word Suggestions for Writing Assistance Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 July 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
70 Xin Cheng, Yankai Lin, Xiuying Chen, Dongyan Zhao∗, Rui Yan∗ Decouple knowledge from paramters for plug-and-play language modeling Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
71 Yiduo Guo, Bing Liu, Dongyan Zhao Dealing with Cross-Task Class Discrimination in Online Continual Learning 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun. 18-22, 2023. Vancouver Canada
72 Nan Hu, Zirui Wu, Yuxuan Lai, Chen Zhang, Yansong Feng UnifEE: Unified Evidence Extraction for Fact Verification 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics May 2-6, 2023. Dubrovnik, Croatia
73 Zhenni Wang, Xiaohan Yu, Yansong Feng and Dongyan Zhao An Intra-Class Relation Guided Approach for Code Comment Generation 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Findings May 2-6, 2023. Dubrovnik, Croatia
74 Chen Zhang, Yuxuan Lai, Yansong Feng, Xingyu Shen, Haowei Du and Dongyan Zhao Cross-Lingual Question Answering over Knowledge Base as Reading Comprehension 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Findings May 2-6, 2023. Dubrovnik, Croatia
75 Chengang Hu, Xiao Liu, Yansong Feng DiNeR: a Large Realistic Dataset for Evaluating Compositional Generalization 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
76 Zirui Wu, Nan Hu, Yansong Feng Enhancing Structured Evidence Extraction for Fact Verification 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
77 Quzhe Huang, Yanxi Zhang, Dongyan Zhao From Simple to Complex: A Progressive Framework for Document-level Informative Argument Extraction 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
78 Zhuocheng Gong, Jiahao Liu, Qifan Wang,Jingang Wang, Xunliang Cai, Dongyan Zhao, Rui Yan Improving Input-label Mapping with Demonstration Replay for In-context Learning 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
79 Tianyi Liu, Yansong Feng, Dongyan Zhao Learning Dynamic Representations for Discourse Dependency Parsing 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
80 Chang Liu, Chongyang Tao, Jianxin Liang, Jiazhan Feng, Tao Shen, Quzhe Huang and Dongyan Zhao Length-Adaptive Distillation: Customizing Small Language Model for Dynamic Token Pruning 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
81 Haowei Du, Dinghao Zhang, Chen Li, Yang Li, Dongyan Zhao Multi-Granularity Information Interaction Framework for Incomplete Utterance Rewriting 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
82 Haowei Du, Quzhe Huang, Chen Li, Chen Zhang, Yang Li, Dongyan Zhao Relation-Aware Question Answering for Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
83 Jiduan Liu, Jiahao Liu, Qifan Wang, Jingang Wang, Xunliang Cai, Dongyan Zhao, Ran Lucien Wang, Rui Yan Retrieval-based Knowledge Transfer: An Effective Approach for Extreme Large Language Model Compression 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
84 Jinpeng Li, Zekai Zhang, Xiuying Chen, Dongyan Zhao*, Rui Yan* Stylized Dialogue Generation with Feature-Guided Knowledge Augmentation Findings of 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
85 Mingxu Tao, Yansong Feng, Dongyan Zhao Can BERT Refrain from Forgetting on Sequential Tasks? A Probing Study Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations May 1-5, 2023. Kigali Rwanda
86 Xin Cheng, Di Luo, Xiuying Chen, Lemao Liu, Dongyan Zhao, Rui Yan Lift Yourself Up: Retrieval-augmented Text Generation with Self Memory Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Dec. 10-16, 2023. Singapore
87 Mingxu Tao, Yansong Feng, Dongyan Zhao A Frustratingly Easy Improvement for Position Embeddings via Random Padding 12th CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing Oct.14-15, 2023. Foshan, China
88 Yueqian Wang, Yuxuan Wang, Dongyan Zhao Overview of the NLPCC 2023 Shared Task 10: Learn to Watch TV: Multimodal Dialogue Understanding and Response Generation. 12th CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing Oct. 14-15, 2023. Foshan, China
89 Jiazhan Feng, Chongyang Tao, Tao Shen, Chang Liu and Dongyan Zhao* Dimension-Prompts Boost Commonsense Consolidation 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval Jul. 23-27, 2023. Taipei, Taiwan
90 Mingzhe Li, Xiuying Chen, Weiheng Liao, Yang Song, Tao Zhang, Dongyan Zhao, and Rui Ya EZInterviewer: To Improve Job Interview Performance with Mock Interview Generator 16th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining Feb. 27-March 3, 2023. Singapore
91 Jinpeng Li, Yingce Xia, Xin Cheng, Dongyan Zhao and Rui Yan Learning Disentangled Representation via Domain Adaptation for Dialogue Summarization International World Wide Web Conference 2023 April 30-May 4, 2023. Austin, Texas, USA
92 Shiping Yang, Renliang Sun, Xiaojun Wan A New Dataset and Empirical Study for Sentence Simplification in Chinese 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
93 Xu Zhang and Xiaojun Wan MIL-Decoding: Detoxifying Language Models at Token-Level via Multiple Instance Learning 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
94 Mingqi Gao, Xiaojun Wan, Jia Su, ZhefengWang, Baoxing Huai Reference Matters: Benchmarking Factual Error Correction for Dialogue Summarization with Fine-grained Evaluation Framework 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
95 Mingqi Gao, Wenqing Wang, Xiaojun Wan, Yuemei Xu Evaluating Factuality in Cross-lingual Summarization Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
96 Junzhe Zhang and Xiaojun Wan Exploring the Impact of Vision Features in News Image Captioning Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
97 Renliang Sun, Wei Xu, Xiaojun Wan Teaching the Pre-trained Model to Generate Simple Texts for Text Simplification 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics July 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
98 Renliang Sun, Zhixian Yang and Xiaojun Wan Exploiting Summarization Data to Help Text Simplification 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics May 2–6, 2023. Dubrovnik, Croatia
99 Xunjian Yin, Baizhou Huang and Xiaojun Wan ALCUNA: Large Language Models Meet New Knowledge 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
100 Xinyu Hu, Xiaojun Wan Exploring Discourse Structure in Document-level Machine Translation 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
101 Hui Liu and Xiaojun Wan Models See Hallucinations: Evaluating the Factuality in Video Captioning 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
102 Shiping Yang, Renliang Sun and Xiaojun Wan A New Benchmark and Reverse Validation Method for Passage-level Hallucination Detection 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
103 Xinyu Hu, Xunjian Yin and Xiaojun Wan Exploring Context-Aware Evaluation Metrics for Machine Translation 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
104 Zhaohong Wan, Xiaojun Wan, Wei Peng and Rongjun Li New Datasets and Controllable Iterative Data Augmentation Method for Code-switching ASR Error Correction 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
105 Zi Chai, Xiaojun Wan, Soyeon Caren Han, Josiah Poon Visual Question Generation Under Multi-granularity Cross-Modal Interaction 29th International Conference, MMM 2023 Jan. 9–12, 2023. Bergen, Norway
106 Baizhou Huang, Shikang Du, and Xiaojun Wan CrossDial: An Entertaining Dialogue Dataset of Chinese Crosstalk 12th CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing Oct. 14-15, 2023. Foshan, China
107 Fan Xu, Ziyun Zhu, and Xiaojun Wan Creative Destruction: Can Language Models Interpret Oxymorons? 12th CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing Oct. 14-15, 2023. Foshan, China
108 Xiang Chen, Zheng Li, and Xiaojun Wan WikiIns: A High-Quality Dataset for Controlled Text Editing by Natural Language Instruction 12th CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing Oct. 14-15, 2023. Foshan, China
109 Xinzhe Zhou, Yadong Mu Tree-Structured Trajectory Encoding for Vision-and-Language Navigation Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023 Feb 7-14, 2023. Washington DC, USA.
110 Peiran Xu, Yadong Mu* Co-Salient Object Detection with Semantic-Level Consensus Extraction and Dispersion 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Oct.29 - Nov.3, 2023. Ottawa, Canada
111 Borui Jiang, Yadong Mu* Diffused Fourier Network for Video Action Segmentation 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Oct.29 - Nov.3, 2023. Ottawa, Canada
112 Yang Jin, Yongzhi Li, Zehuan Yuan, Yadong Mu* Learning Instance-Level Representation for Large-Scale Multi-Modal Pretraining in E-Commerce 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun.18-22, 2023. Vancouver, Canada
113 Xinghan Wang, Xin Xu, Yadong Mu* Neural Koopman Pooling: Control-Inspired Temporal Dynamics Encoding for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun.18-22, 2023. Vancouver, Canada
114 Zhicheng Sun, Yadong Mu*, Gang Hua Regularizing Second-Order Influences for Continual Learning 36th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Jun.18-22, 2023. Vancouver, Canada
115 Borui Jiang, Yang Jin, Zhentao Tan, Yadong Mu Video Action Segmentation via Contextually Refined Temporal Keypoints 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Oct. 2-6, 2023. Paris, France
116 Hanwen Liu, Zhenyu Weng, Yuesheng Zhu, Yadong Mu Trapdoor Normalization with Irreversible Ownership Verification International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2023 Jul. 23-29, 2023. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
117 Zhicheng Sun, Yadong Mu Rewiring Neurons in Non-Stationary Environments Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2023 Dec. 10-16, 2023. Singapore
118 Hanwen Liu, Peilin Zhao, Tingyang Xu, Yatao Bian, Junzhou Huang, Yuesheng Zhu, Yadong Mu Curriculum Graph Poisoning International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 2023 April 30-May 4, 2023. Austin, TX, USA
119 Ruoyu Zhang, Yanzeng Li, Lei Zou A Novel Table-to-Graph Generation Approach for Document-Level Joint Entity and Relation Extraction 61th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
120 Yanzeng Li, Bingcong Xue, Ruoyu Zhang, Lei Zou AtTGen: Attribute Tree Generation for Real-World Attribute Joint Extraction 61th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Jul. 9-14, 2023. Toronto, Canada
121 Yanzeng Li, Sen Hu, Wenjuan Han, Lei Zou CORD: A Three-Stage Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Relation Detection in Knowledge Base Question Answering 32th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management Oct. 21-25, 2023. Birmingham, UK
122 Yue Pang, Linglin Yang, Lei Zou, M. Tamer Ozsu gFOV: A Full-Stack SPARQL Query Optimizer & Plan Visualizer 32th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management Oct. 21-25, 2023. Birmingham, UK
123 Shaofei Wang, Siying Li, and Lei Zou Analogy-triple Enhanced Fine-grained Transformer for Sparse Knowledge Graph Completion 28th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications Apr. 17-20, 2023. Tianjin, China
124 Ruoyu Zhang, Yanzeng Li, Yongliang Ma, Ming Zhou, Lei Zou LLMaAA: Making Large Language Models as Active Annotators 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dec. 6-10, 2023. Singapore
125 Xunbin Su,Yinnian Lin,Lei zou FASI: FPGA-friendly Subgraph Isomorphism on Massive Graphs 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering April 3-7, 2023. Anaheim California, USA
126 Lin Hu, Lei Zou, Tamer Ozsu. GAMMA: A graph pattern mining framework for large graphs on GPU 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering April 3-7, 2023. Anaheim California, USA
127 Yue Pang, Lei Zou, Yu Liu IFCA: Index-Free Community-Aware Reachability Processing Over Large Dynamic Graphs 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering April 3-7, 2023. Anaheim California, USA
128 Tuo Xu, Lei Zou Link Prediction with Simple Path-Aware Graph Neural Networks 30th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Nov.20-23, 2023. Changsha, China
129 Ruoyu Zhang, Yanzeng Li, Minhao Zhang and Lei Zou* Exploiting Ubiquitous Mentions for Document-Level Relation Extraction 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval Jul. 23-27, 2023. Taipei, Taiwan
130 Zhijie Huang, Tianyi Sun, Xiaopeng Guo, Yanze Wang, Jun Sun Generalized Compressed Video Restoration by Multi-scale Temporal Fusion and Hierarchical Quality Score Estimation 2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Jul.10-14, 2023. Brisbane, Australia
131 Tianyi Sun, Yanze Wang, Zhijie Huang, Jun Sun Efficient Intra Coding through Hierarchical CU Partition Prediction for VVC 2023 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing Dec. 4-7, 2023. Jeju, Korea